What Is MarTech? The Rise of Authentic Sharing Technology

What Is MarTech

The world of marketing has gone topsy-turvy.

Current conditions have driven down ad rates, but companies are still hesitant to put their money toward traditional advertising or any type of advertising that doesn’t specifically measure ROI.

Many software companies have jumped in to solve the problem. But the market is crowded with tools that aren’t quite succeeding at helping businesses build authentic connections with customers. 

What if there were a MarTech solution that encouraged one-to-one connection?

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What Is MarTech?

MarTech is the term used to describe software utilized by marketers to support their marketing approach and achieve their goals. MarTech uses technology to help organize, carry out, and measure the effectiveness of marketing strategies and campaigns. 

In short, MarTech makes marketing easier.

Examples of MarTech include customer relationship management (CRM) software, email marketing software, and digital analytics tools. These tools help you scale quicker, learn where you need to adapt, discover meaningful data insights, and create better connections with your customers. 

Why Is MarTech Important for Businesses?

MarTech (Marketing Technology) has taken the business world by storm because it solves some ROI data and analytics problems, but more and more companies are discovering that common MarTech strategies fail to truly connect with their customers.

The truth is digital marketing is noisy, and it’s getting harder and harder to cut through that noise and get noticed. 

So many people are fighting for space. 

Ten years ago, content was the name of the game. If you created good content, people would come. It was as simple as that. 

But these days, it’s much harder to direct their eyes, and consumers are more skeptical of feigned authenticity, and rightfully so!

Companies aspire towards authenticity in their one-to-many approach, but consumers can smell a mass appeal from a mile away. They feel marketed to instead of connected with.

The very essence of authenticity is based on a relationship. As much as marketing tries to build a brand that people connect with, feel loyal towards, and love – genuine authenticity is reserved for relationships between human beings. The only way to cut through the noise is to adopt a one-to-one approach.

One-on-one relationships have always formed the backbone of sales, and digital technology hasn’t found a way to sidestep that. So how does a company that has always relied on a one-to-many approach find the manpower to switch gears?

online influencer

Think about the individuals who have had the greatest success with digital marketing. They’re not really individuals. They’re people like Kylie Jenner, or any member of the Jenner/Kardashian clan. They use digital marketing effectively because they have a large team of people putting everything together, making it cohesive and work well.

The many different strategies required to make digital marketing work effectively include (but are not limited to)…

  • CRM
  • Social Sharing Tools
  • Video Tracking
  • Surveys
  • Autoresponders
  • Webinars
  • Gamification/Recognition
  • Capture Pages
  • Business Analytics / Data

Given all the tools required, it’s no surprise that an individual would have difficulty keeping this method afloat. 

I mention Kylie Jenner because she could be considered an individual engaging in a relationship with her followers. Okay, that’s a stretch at best, but it’s more relevant than looking at a company.

So if we call Kylie Jenner an individual influencer, you can think of a company’s employees as nano-influencers. They’re reaching people on a much smaller scale, but with an authenticity that Jenner could never replicate.

These employees are people who could share the company story with an engaged audience if given the appropriate tools and methodology. One-on-one connections are, by their very nature, an individual endeavor. A marketing team can never make the same headway with a consumer as a friend can.

Currently, companies are trying to empower individual employees with digital marketing tools like Salesforce, Infusionsoft, etc., but employees – most notably salespeople – have a well-documented love/hate relationship with MarTech software. 

Why? Because it takes up valuable time that could be better used for income-producing activities. It cannot be stated emphatically enough that any company interested in empowering their employees to participate in digital marketing campaigns must make it simple!

Enter “Authentic Sharing Technology” (AST)

Authentic Sharing Technology

Authentic sharing technology (AST) is a new breed of tech designed through collaboration between the developer and the organization. It doesn’t compete against in-house marketing and, in fact, repurposes content in new ways that empower everyone in the company.

Together they establish and create an essential “digital toolkit” to be used by everyone who’s a part of that organization.

Think about your average company for a moment. What percentage of the employees would you expect to be engaged in a revenue-generating activity?

For a company with 100+ employees, the average is 20%. That’s 20% of your employees focusing on the number one driver. Not to diminish what anyone else does, but the importance of sales and the sales process to the entire company cannot be argued. 

Now, what if all the employees – from development to accounting, admin to HR – started telling the company story to those they know and trust? Presumably, these people already believe in the company’s mission and product. 

Ordinarily, involving them like this would add a level of complexity to their job that might be prohibitive, but with AST, the process is seamless. This is a technology created, designed, and implemented specifically for a one-to-one marketing strategy.

With AST, a single employee becomes a “Kylie Jenner,” with a whole team behind them.

Imagine if, instead of spending on unpredictable traditional advertising and common MarTech strategies, those marketing dollars were directed toward incentivizing these newly empowered employees. 

  • What if these employees could simply share a marketing piece with their contacts and get rewarded for success?
  • What would happen if those employees were recognized on a company-wide leaderboard for their success as brand advocates? 
employees working on a new marketing  strategy

Relevant articles, videos, employee discount codes, surveys, and more could easily be shared right from their own phones. And how powerful would it be if the company could track the pathways of those new brand advocate connections and use the information to guide future marketing efforts?

With Authentic Sharing Technology, every tool available to employees is structured with the specific intent of simply and effectively communicating the company message. This is the primary objective of AST, which sets this technology apart from standard CRM.

Storytelling is central to human existence – the key to our very evolution. And that’s the real reason so many mass digital marketing strategies are failing companies today. 

Learning about an idea or product from a known, one-on-one connection is the most natural, trusted way for people to discover new things. That’s why having the company message told more often by more people increases revenue.

End of story.

For help telling your story, learn more about the RapidFunnel App and how it can help you with your MarTech needs.

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